Monday, September 15, 2008

You CAN Put Lipstick On A Pig

Right, this figure didn't quite come out as I planned. Still, I thought it would be good to show all of the developments of the army not just the ones I was completely happy with.

Several years ago, when Storm of Chaos was released, I started to convert some figures for Pleasureseekers. I'm not the greatest with green stuff and this was a bit too much of a task for me. When the new book was released, I realised that my half formed figures would make good fiends, so I tried to finish them, and this was the result.

As you can see, some of the GS work is, shall we say, a little rough. I really like the concept though, and I've got 2 more half formed on my painting desk. Hopefully, with more sculpting practice I'll be able to come up with breasts that don't look like an advert for "When Plastic Surgery Goes Bad" (preferably narrated by Greg Evigan). When I do, I'll revisit this model, and the others and try and improve the front. Either that or try and find some bits to replace her bits as it were.

If anybody has any ideas or tips for tits they'd be much appreciated.

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