Friday, September 12, 2008


Hello and indeed welcome to this brand spanking new blog all about the development of my Chaos army, replete with the obligatory awfully pun-tastic title. "But what shall I expect from this so called blog?" I don't hear you ask. Well, I've been rather inspired by the new(ish) Daemons of Chaos book which, power level issues aside, is rather groovy and gives a massive variety of potential armies - so much so, in fact, that for the first time in a very long time, I can see myself sticking with an army for longer than 3 months or so. Hence dear reader, this blog will document my Chaos experience replete with pictures of my newly painted figures, and the odd battle and/or tournament report here and there.

I've already got a few bits and pieces done, so expect some photographs in the next few days with more intermittent photos as and when things get done. What lovely fun!

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